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PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080

Comparing PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti vs ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080 ● Graphics card & GPU video card comparison

Overall score
star star star star star
Overall score
star star star star star

Comparison of PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti video card vs ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080 video card by specs and benchmarks. PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti runs at 1.290 GHz base clock speed and has 4 GB of GDDR5 memory, while video card ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080 runs at 1.290 GHz base clock speed and has 10 GB of GDDR6X memory. The weight is different, -- vs --. The TDP of the first video card is 71 W-5 %, and the second is 320 W . Compare the benchmark results to find out which video card is better. Don't neglect the following either:
- What is the number 1 graphics card?
- Which is the world's best graphics card?
- What is world's fastest GPU?
Choose the best graphics card for gaming on our website.

PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Reasons to consider
PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
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ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080 Reasons to consider
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080
Report a bug
  • Higher clock speed
    1.440 GHz left arrow 1.290 GHz
    Around 10% better clock speed
  • More memory
    10 GB left arrow 4 GB
    60% more memory
Performance tests
Real tests PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti vs ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080
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Complete list of technical specifications
PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080 ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080
GPU ◍ What Is a GPU? Graphics Processing Units Defined

Comparison of video cards by their generation and family. The higher the version of the video card, the more advanced and productive the model is. More often than not, higher generation graphics cards are more efficient and have modern memory. Pay attention to the number of shaders (more = better). Use our GPU comparison tool to pick the best graphics card for your build and budget. Consider the following: - Which version of GPU is best? - What is the best graphics card? On our website you will find a database of graphics cards and GPUs with specifications of products released in recent years.

  • Based on
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti left arrow NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
  • GPU Chip
    GP107-400-A1 left arrow GA102-200-K1-A1
  • Execution units
    6 left arrow 68
  • Shader
    768 left arrow 8704
  • Render Output Units
    32 left arrow 96
  • Texture Units
    48 left arrow 272
Memory ★ How much GPU memory do I need

Graphics card comparison {PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti} vs. {ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080} in terms of internal memory performance. The more memory a video card has, the faster the GPU can process calculations. This block is taken into account in the results of the overall performance rating. Pay attention to the amount of memory, memory type, and memory bus bandwidth. The higher these numbers are, the faster and more productive the graphics card is. The only two types of memory that are actually on the GPU chip are register and shared memory. On our website you can see the amount of memory of the GPU. Pay attention to what is important: - Which type of memory is used exclusively for video cards? - What are the features of a video card? - Do video cards have their own RAM?

  • Memory Size
    4 GB left arrow 10 GB
  • Memory Type
    GDDR5 left arrow GDDR6X
  • Memory Speed
    1.752 GHz left arrow 1.188 GHz
  • Memory Bandwith
    112 GB/s left arrow 760 GB/s
  • Memory Interface
    128 bit left arrow 320 bit
Clock Speeds ✤ GPU Compare Tool

Let's start comparing the base clock speeds of {PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti} vs. {ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080}. The higher the start and turbo frequency of the GPU, the more efficient and productive it is in gaming and work applications. This unit affects the overall gaming performance of the graphics card. The graphics card that has all the higher clock frequency characteristics will win. Your GPU/Graphics card behaves similarly to a CPU, it has a certain clock speed it runs at, and it’s measured in MHz (Megahertz). A number of factors should not be overlooked: - What is a good GPU clock speed? - Is higher clock speed better GPU - Does GPU clock speed matter? Compare graphics cards online on our website.

  • Base Clock
    1.290 GHz left arrow 1.440 GHz
  • Boost Clock
    1.392 GHz left arrow 1.740 GHz+ 2 %
  • Avg (Game) Clock
    left arrow 1.710 GHz
  • Overclocking
    Yes left arrow Yes
Thermal Design ╬ Videocard TDP Chart - Performance / Power

Let's compare graphics cards {PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti} and {ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080} in thermal efficiency. Temperature control (TDP) is an extremely important indicator. The higher it is, the harder it is to cool the graphics processor when performing complex computational workloads. The thermal design power (TDP) is the maximum amount of power the cooling system needs to dissipate. A lower TDP typically means that it consumes less power. Find answers to important questions: - What is TDP in video card? - What is TDP temperature? - How do I check my GPU TDP? Compare the performance of the two GPUs and choose the appropriate one.

  • TDP
    71 W-5 % left arrow 320 W
  • Tjunction max
    -- left arrow 93 °C
  • PCIe-Power
    left arrow 2 x 8-Pin
Cooler & Fans • Top Best GPU Coolers

Cooling systems for video cards in most cases are represented by active variants, less common are models with passive cooling in the form of aluminum or copper radiators. In this block you can see what type of cooling is used by manufacturers and compare these figures. To find the best GPU, consider the following: - How many fans does a graphics card have? - What is the difference between a blower GPU and a GPU? - Why are there different types of GPU coolers? Comparing graphics cards for your laptop online will allow you to make a choice.

  • Fan-Type
    Axial left arrow Radial
  • Cooler-Type
    Air cooling left arrow Air cooling
  • Fan 1
    1 x 80 mm left arrow 1 x 80 mm
  • Noise (Idle)
    -- left arrow 0 dB / Silent
Connectivity × Video card connections and connectors, inputs and outputs

Technical information showing possible interfaces for connecting your graphics card to external devices. Here you will find specifications and a comparison of graphics cards by the number of HDMI ports, and find out the difference in the maximum number of monitors that can be connected. Learn about the nuances of connecting a graphics card to your computer or laptop: - What ports/connectors do specialized graphics cards use? - What are the different types of video ports? - How do I connect a video card to a monitor? Video cards have three different types of connectors: PCI, AGP, and PCI Express. All connectors look different and are easily distinguished from each other. But it's best to know the specifics right away so you can choose the best video card for your PC.

  • Max. Displays
    3 left arrow 4
  • HDCP-Version
    2.2 left arrow 2.3
  • HDMI Ports
    1x HDMI v2.0b left arrow 1x HDMI v2.1
  • DP Ports
    1x DP v1.4 left arrow 3x DP v1.4a
  • DVI Ports
    1 left arrow --
Featureset × What is GPU and Its Features

Comparison of {PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti} and {ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080} graphics cards by maximum supported display resolution, DirectX versions, as well as backlight modes. Ask yourself the questions: - What are the features of a good graphics card? - What defines a good graphics card? - What is most important in a graphics card? If you don't know how to choose the right graphics card, use our comparison service. As a result, you will find the best GPU for your computer. More powerful GPUs support more advanced features, letting you perform more complex tasks or perform the same task using a different technique.

  • Max. resolution
    7680x4320 left arrow 7680x4320
  • DirectX
    12_1 left arrow 12_2
  • Raytracing
    No left arrow Yes
  • DLSS / FSR
    No left arrow Yes
  • LED
    No LED lighting left arrow No LED lighting
Supported Video Codecs • Video File Formats and Codecs

Here you can see what video codecs are supported by {PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti} and {ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080} video cards. The information from this block does not count towards the overall performance rating. There are hundreds of audio and video codecs in use today. Some have been created by Microsoft, but the vast majority of codecs were created by other companies, organizations, and individuals. mportant things to keep in mind: - Does decoding on the GPU save power? - Do GPUs support a specific codec standard? - Why do I need a GPU and not a CPU? GPUs usually contain a dedicated video decoder, so compare performance for different video cards.

  • h264
    Decode / Encode left arrow Decode / Encode
  • VP8
    No left arrow Decode
  • h265 / HEVC
    Decode / Encode left arrow Decode / Encode
  • VP9
    Decode left arrow Decode
  • AV1
    No left arrow Decode
Dimensions ✦ GPU comparison / graphics card comparison

This is a comparison of graphics cards {PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti} and {ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080} where you can see the difference in width, length, weight and number of PCIe slots you have on your motherboard. Choose the graphics card that will fit in your computer case. Always check the actual width of the graphics card in inches/millimeters. We really cannot stress this enough. Compare the performance of the video cards you like, ask yourself the following: - How to measure GPU size? - Are there different GPU sizes? - What are the different types of GPUs? Graphics card come in different sizes. Depending on cooling mechanism and manufacturer it varies.

  • Length
    166 mm left arrow 268 mm
  • Height
    112 mm left arrow 113 mm
  • Width
    39 mm left arrow 39 mm
  • Width (Slots)
    2 PCIe-Slots left arrow 2 PCIe-Slots
Additional data ⨳ Online Graphics cards comparison

To make the right choice between {PNY GeForce GTX 1050 Ti} and {ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3080} graphics cards, you may look at the release date, CPU manufacturing process, and PCIe interface version supported. To choose the best graphics card for your motherboard and your computer as a whole, consider a number of factors. Ask yourself the questions: - How do I choose a good graphics card? - How do I choose a processor and graphics card? Figure out what kind of graphics card you need for your computer.

  • GPU Interface
    PCIe 3.0 x 16 left arrow PCIe 4.0 x 16
  • Release date
    Q3/2016 left arrow Q3/2020
  • Structure size
    14 nm left arrow 8 nm
  • Part-no
    VCGGTX1050T4PB left arrow TURBO-RTX3080-10G
  • Documents
    data sheet left arrow data sheet
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