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GeForce RTX 4090
ASUS Phoenix Radeon RX 550 2G EVO

Comparing ASUS Phoenix Radeon RX 550 2G EVO vs GeForce RTX 4090 ● Graphics card & GPU video card comparison

Overall score
star star star star star
20 September 2022
Overall score
star star star star star

Comparison of ASUS Phoenix Radeon RX 550 2G EVO video card vs GeForce RTX 4090 video card by specs and benchmarks. ASUS Phoenix Radeon RX 550 2G EVO runs at 1.100 GHz base clock speed and has 2 GB of GDDR5 memory, while video card GeForce RTX 4090 runs at 1.100 GHz base clock speed and has 24 Gb of GDDR6X memory. The weight is different, -- vs . The TDP of the first video card is 50 W, and the second is . Compare the benchmark results to find out which video card is better. Don't neglect the following either:
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GeForce RTX 4090 Reasons to consider
GeForce RTX 4090
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  • Higher clock speed
    2520 MHz left arrow 1.100 GHz
    Around 100% better clock speed
  • More memory
    24 Gb left arrow 2 GB
    92% more memory
ASUS Phoenix Radeon RX 550 2G EVO Reasons to consider
ASUS Phoenix Radeon RX 550 2G EVO
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Performance tests
Real tests GeForce RTX 4090 vs ASUS Phoenix Radeon RX 550 2G EVO
Complete list of technical specifications
GeForce RTX 4090 GeForce RTX 4090
ASUS Phoenix Radeon RX 550 2G EVO ASUS Phoenix Radeon RX 550 2G EVO
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