Qualcomm Snapdragon 855
Qualcomm Snapdragon 636
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Comparing Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 ❁ Best Computer CPU Processors

Overall score
star star star star star
Overall score
star star star star star

Comparison of video cards. Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 in benchmarks and specifications. There are several parameters to consider when choosing the best budget processor. Gamers are interested in the base clock speed, boost potential, integrated graphics, and price/performance ratio. Consider the following as well:
- What's the best budget processor?
- What is the best budget processor for a gaming PC?
- What processor do professional gamers use?
The best budget processors at your disposal.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Reasons to consider
Qualcomm Snapdragon 855
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  • Higher clock speed
    1.80 GHz left arrow 1.60 GHz
    Around -13% better clock speed
  • Higher turbo clock speed
    2.84 GHz left arrow 1.80 GHz
    Around 37% better overclocked clock speed
Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 Reasons to consider
Qualcomm Snapdragon 636
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Performance tests
Real tests Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 636
A while ago, there was no competition on the computer processors market
Geekbench 5 is a cross plattform benchmark that heavily uses the systems memory
The theoretical computing performance of the internal graphics unit of the processor with simple accuracy (32 bit) in GFLOPS
AnTuTu Benchmark V8 is developed based on Android Q
Complete list of technical specifications
Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Qualcomm Snapdragon 855
Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 Qualcomm Snapdragon 636
CPU generation and family

Let's compare the difference in processor generations between processor {Qualcomm Snapdragon 855} and {Qualcomm Snapdragon 636}. The higher the generation and the more recent generation of the model, the better. Keep in mind the following: - What is the best processor? - What is the most powerful CPU in the world? -Which CPU is best for gaming? We offer a guide on the best processor options for both desktops and laptops. This will help you to decide which processor you need and whether it's worth spending more money on a newer-generation processor.

  • Name
    Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 left arrow Qualcomm Snapdragon 636
  • Segment
    Mobile left arrow Mobile
  • Family
    Qualcomm Snapdragon left arrow Qualcomm Snapdragon
  • Generation
    6 left arrow 5
  • CPU group
    Qualcomm Snapdragon 855/860 left arrow Qualcomm Snapdragon 636
CPU Cores and Base Frequency ★ Understanding Clock: Processor Base and Boost Speeds

Let's compare processors {Qualcomm Snapdragon 855} and {Qualcomm Snapdragon 636} in terms of base clock characteristics. The processor with the highest score wins. Also in some models you can compare the turbo frequency. Keep in mind the following: - Which core processor is best for gaming? - How many cores are enough for gaming? - Do you need a fast processor for gaming? Choose the CPU with the maximum number of cores for gaming.

  • Frequency
    1.80 GHz left arrow 1.60 GHz
  • CPU Cores
    8 left arrow 8
  • Turbo (1 Core)
    2.84 GHz left arrow 1.80 GHz
  • CPU Threads
    8 left arrow 8
  • Turbo (8 Cores)
    2.42 GHz left arrow 1.60 GHz
  • Hyperthreading
    No left arrow No
  • Overclocking
    No left arrow No
  • Core architecture
    hybrid (Prime / big.LITTLE) left arrow hybrid (big.LITTLE)
  • A core
    1x Kryo 485 Prime left arrow 4x Kryo 260 Gold
  • B core
    3x Kryo 485 Gold left arrow 4x Kryo 260 Silver
  • C core
    4x Kryo 485 Silver left arrow --
Internal Graphics ❀ Should my CPU have integrated graphics?

By comparing {Qualcomm Snapdragon 855} and {Qualcomm Snapdragon 636} processors, you can find out which integrated graphics card is better. However, not every model may have a built-in video card. The block does not affect the final performance score and can be skipped. Compare processors with intergrated graphics, but make allowance for the following as well: - What is internal graphics? - What are integrated graphics used for? - Are CPU integrated graphics good?

  • GPU name
    Qualcomm Adreno 640 left arrow Qualcomm Adreno 509
  • GPU frequency
    0.25 GHz left arrow 0.72 GHz
  • GPU (Turbo)
    0.59 GHz left arrow 0.72 GHz
  • Execution units
    4 left arrow 0
  • Shader
    384 left arrow 128
  • Max. GPU Memory
    4 GB left arrow --
  • Max. displays
    1 left arrow 0
  • Generation
    5 left arrow 5
  • DirectX Version
    12.0 left arrow 12.1
  • Technology
    7 nm left arrow 14 nm
  • Release date
    Q1/2019 left arrow Q2/2017
Hardware codec support ❆ Hardware Codec Capabilities

It's time to compare how processors differ from each other in terms of hardware support for codecs. Each brand may have its own set of instructions. A codec is a hardware- or software-based process that compresses and decompresses large amounts of data. Different processors use different underlying codecs and image processing engines. Get information about {Qualcomm Snapdragon 855} and {Qualcomm Snapdragon 636}, and also consider the following: - What is hardware codec support? - What is the difference between hardware codec or software codec? - What are the different types of codecs?

  • h265 / HEVC (8 bit)
    Decode / Encode left arrow Decode
  • h265 / HEVC (10 bit)
    Decode / Encode left arrow No
  • h264
    Decode / Encode left arrow Decode
  • VP9
    Decode / Encode left arrow Decode
  • VP8
    Decode / Encode left arrow Decode
  • AV1
    No left arrow No
  • AVC
    No left arrow No
  • VC-1
    No left arrow Decode
  • JPEG
    No left arrow Decode
Memory & PCIe ✧ Supported Memory Type

The type and frequency of memory that the processor supports affects the performance rating. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully compare which model shows the best results in comparison. What memory is supported by the processor {Qualcomm Snapdragon 855} or {Qualcomm Snapdragon 636} and at what maximum frequency the RAM module can operate, you can see below. Keep the following in mind: - How do I find information about processor memory? - What are the limitations of the processor?

  • Memory type
    LPDDR4X-4266 left arrow LPDDR4-1333
  • Max. Memory
    16 GB left arrow
  • ECC
    No left arrow No
  • Memory channels
    4 left arrow 2
Encryption ⊙ Comparison of encryption algorithms based on CPU utilization

We make a choice in favor of a processor that supports encryption. If both processors have the same performance in this block, then you need to look at a comparison of other technical characteristics. Don't forget the following: - What technologies are used for encryption? - What is an example of encryption? - What are the types of encryption devices?

  • AES-NI
    No left arrow No
Thermal Management ✗ What is Thermal Management and why do we need it

Let's compare the temperatures of the processors {Qualcomm Snapdragon 855} and {Qualcomm Snapdragon 636}. It is important that the higher the TDP of the processor, the more powerful the cooling system will be required. The optimal model is considered to be a processor with a lower TDP. With faster processors that dissipate more heat than the slower processors, it is no longer possible to ignore thermal management. Ask yourself questions: - Should you always put thermal paste on CPU? - What is meant by thermal management? - Why is thermal management important? As computing speeds increase, thermal management is becoming a serious problem in computer systems, so pay attention to it.

Technical details ✬ Important Specifications of Processor (CPU)

Compare {Qualcomm Snapdragon 855} and {Qualcomm Snapdragon 636} processors by specifications: L2-L3 cache, release date, motherboard socket, manufacturing process, ISA instruction set, and more. Pay attention to L2 and L3 - the higher this indicator, the better, also the technical process, the smaller it is, the better. When comparing processor specifications, keep the following in mind: - What are the features of a good processor? - How to choose a processor? - What are processor specifications? Our site has a database of popular CPUs.

  • Instruction set (ISA)
    ARMv8-A64 (64 bit) left arrow ARMv8-A64 (64 bit)
  • Virtualization
    None left arrow None
  • L2-Cache
    2.00 MB left arrow --
  • L3-Cache
    3.00 MB left arrow --
  • Architecture
    Kryo 485 left arrow Kryo 260
  • Technology
    7 nm left arrow 14 nm
  • Socket
    N/A left arrow N/A
  • Release date
    Q4/2018 left arrow Q4/2017
  • Part Number
    SM8150 left arrow SDM636
Devices using this processor ★ What type of device is a processor

Let's compare the difference in the use of processors {Qualcomm Snapdragon 855} and {Qualcomm Snapdragon 636}. Based on this comparison, you will understand the intended purpose of the processor (games, entertainment, work). Ask yourself a series of questions: - How do I determine which processor is best for what purpose? - How do I know which processor is best for me? - Which processor is used for what? Compare popular CPUs and choose the best computer processor for you.

  • Used in
    OnePlus 7 ProOnePlus 7 Pro 5GSony Xperia 1Sony Xperia 5Xiaomi Mi 9Oppo Reno 10x Zoom left arrow Unknown
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